Special Mentor Coaching Program For Bridgeline Coaches


Dear Bridgeline Coaches,

I am delighted that Nick has collaborated with me to offer Bridgeline Coaches an ICF aligned group and individual mentor coaching program. Thank you, Nick! 

I am an MCC and ICF Certified/ICF Registry mentor coach. I have been providing mentor coaching for 18 years and have worked with 1,000s of coaches. (See more background info below.)  After you review this information, please email me if you are interested so I can get a count Patricia@PatriciaSchwartz.com by no later than November 26.

I am offering a full 10-hour ICF qualified mentoring program as well as a short 7-hour group mentor coaching only program.
(See below for details)

This program will support you if you:

  • Would like to uplevel your use of the ICF competencies in coaching

  • Would like 10 ICF qualifying hours towards your next renewal (*you can use up to 10 mentor coaching hours towards the CCE requirement of 40 hours.)

  • **Are interested in applying for your next level credential 

General Program Information

  • The group mentoring segment of the program will start March 2025 on a Tuesday morning Pacific Time and end in May 2025.

  • This course qualifies as part of the 40 CCEs needed for renewal, or for the next credential application.

  • Since some coaches may decide later to apply for their MCC at some point after this program, it will conform to the ICF requirements for 10 hours of mentor coaching, which allows for a maximum of 7 hours of group mentoring and 3 hours of 1:1 mentoring.

  • The 7 hours of group mentor coaching will include 1 class of one hour and 4 classes of 90 minutes over approx. an 8- week period (timeframe considers the winter holidays).

  • For those who would like to complete 10 hours towards their ICF renewal, dive more deeply into their use of the competencies, and/or meet the MCC requirement for mentor coaching, the program provides 3 sessions of 1:1 mentoring after the group program.

  • We will need between 5-10 coaches to run this program.  

The Program Includes

  • Further exploration of the ICF competencies- we dive into one or two of the competencies in each session

  • Self-assessment of your strengths in the use of the competencies and any blind spots

  • Listening to coaching recordings and live coaching and observing the use of the ICF competencies

  • The opportunity to coach and/or be coached and get feedback on your use of the competencies through the PCC Markers

  • Suggestions on ways to use your strengths in new or additional ways

  • Written feedback on your use of the competencies (in 1:1 sessions)

  • Practical tips, models (such as the Schwartz DEEP™ coaching model) and mnemonic devices such as “om” (spelled “omme”). 😊

  • A pre-program 1:1 call (10-15min) to discuss your particular interests and focus 

  • A Completion Certificate

Participation Options and Fees

You may register for the full program of 10 hours or the short course of 7 group mentoring hours.

#1. Full program of 10 hours

(7 hours group mentor coaching and 3 hours 1:1 mentor coaching)

For BLC coaches the special fee = $1,349 (a $305 savings)

(Regular fee for advance payment = $1,654)

For BLC coaches the special fee for two payments = $1,450 (2 payments of $725), one in advance of session one and 2nd one 30 days later. (a $244 savings)

(Regular fee for 2 payments = $1,694)

#2. Short program

(7 hours of group mentor coaching)

For BLC coaches the special fee = $699 advance only (a $100 savings)

(Regular fee=$799)

A deposit of $100.00 will be required to hold your space by February 10, 2025.

Full payment is due February 24, 2025.

Payment methods include:

  • Zelle

  • Venmo

  • Paypal

Detailed payment info will be sent to those interested.
**In the event that you will be applying for the MCC and already have some or all of the hours of group mentor coaching and would like to continue with 1-1 sessions only, (or you would like only 1:1 mentor coaching for the 10-hour requirement) that can be arranged.

My Mentor Coaching Background:

  • Mentor coaching since 2006

  • MCC credential

  • Certified Mentor Coach

  • ICF Registry Mentor Coach

  • Senior Faculty, College of Executive Coaching (a post-graduate coach training program) since 2005

  • Executive Coach since 1999

  • For more see: www.patriciaschwartz.com

*Here is the link to learn about the 40 hours requirement for credential renewal and that the 10 hours of mentor coaching meet the requirement:
**Here is detailed information about mentor coaching for each credential application.

For more information or questions please contact me: Patricia@PatriciaSchwartz.com