New Year’s Ta Da List vs To Do List?


We all have To Do lists, but what if we made “Ta Da” lists also?

What if, in recognition of the completion of the 2013 year (or at other times of completion) we listed out what we accomplished, what we are proud of, what we did that made a positive difference for ourselves and/or others, which goals we met? 

Whether or not you wrote out your 2013 goals, you can still do a Ta Da list.

What do you feel good about? What high points did you have this year?

YOU KNOW what you accomplished this year because you feel good when you think about it, right?

  • You know which challenging situation(s) you handled with grace.
  • You know where you made a difference or were of service.
  • You know which transition(s) you dealt with successfully.
  • You know where you went the extra mile or knocked their socks off with your high quality work!
  • You know which long held dreams you materialized this year.

So go for it! List them out.

(If your colleagues, friends, and/or family do this also, you might decide to share your lists.)


Happy New Year and Ta Da! Take a bow.






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